Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday's Random Piece of Information

Random bit of information for today: there’s no tooth fairy in Japan!

When I arrived at my job this afternoon T asked me, “what happens when you lose a tooth in New Zealand?”
“When your tooth falls out, what do you do with it?”
(OH!) So I explained about the tooth fairy and how you put your tooth under your pillow and the “Tooth Fairy” (AKA Dad) puts money under your pillow.
T asked how much. “Um, well I think I used to get 50 cents?”
Actually, I think when I got 50 cents I was pretty happy!

But then I asked, what about here in Japan? And I learned how when you lose a bottom tooth you throw it on the roof so the old tooth can pull the new one up. And when you lose a top tooth you bury it in the ground – so the old one can push out the new one. Makes sense to me!

By the way, can someone tell me how much the Tooth Fairy leaves kids these days?! I couldn’t answer that question!


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